Chapter 27: Damn! You Summon Demons?
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Chapter 27: Damn! You Summon Demons? by Harem-Fan
Mwah! Huh? I realized, I had a normal dream like everyother Human has.
I had a dream of working as a Soldier on the front lines of fighting the Undead Army, in the Southern borders.
But this sucking on my lips feels nice...
After opening my eyes, I have Rebeca laying on top of me, and apparently, she has been kissing and sucking on my lips to wake me, cute.
"I was jealous of Freya before for sleeping in your room, but last night made me happy, hehe."
I pinch her butt and grin.
"Mom is not going to be able to look at you the same again, sigh..."
Rebeca pouted in shyness and admitted.
"Okay, I forgot for a moment where we were making love, and could not help yelling, haha, oops."
"Alright silly woman, we need to get ready for day 2, and we have 2 fights each today, 1 in the morning, and 1 in the afternoon."
So the naked Rebeca slid off me, and I was reluctant to let her warm body go, because the air is cooling, and having a lover in bed, really makes cold nights less lonely.
Rebeca seeing her naked form in my old mirror, smirks and teases me.
"Ah?! Sam, look at all these hickeys you left on my neck and shoulders, hehe... [Small Heal], and they're all gone! I swear you are part Vampire, giggle."
"Sorry, I just get really excited when we are feeling good. I will try to control my urges."
While putting on a new school uniform, she said.
"Silly, don't stop, it shows you love me, just try not to overdo it with a wife you cannot heal, otherwise the public will think shameful things. Fortunately, you can heal sister Freya, or she would die of embarrassment, hehe."
I avoid her comment of "A wife you cannot heal", because I only have two wives, both I can heal. Sometimes, I think I am being tested, so I will play dumb.
(His Earth memories make him shy about a harem, the feeling of social guilt, but only he feels it.)
After getting our clothes on, I strap on The King's Sword, and we go down for breakfast...
My Mother, Father, Nevin, Rebeca, and I are all eating our meal before we take a carriage.
My Mother's eyes glanced at Rebeca with a knowing smile, making her hide her face in shame, and asked.
"Where is Freya my son?"
I pointed to my heart and said.
"She is resting in her personal domain I made inside my Magic Core. My bedroom is cramped, and she has comfortable accommodations there, with warm weather. I will summon her out later, while she relaxes. It is also better for Freya to strengthen her Magic Core in there, better than a training room."
My Mother nodded in realization, but I think she only wanted to dote on Freya, because my Mom is already familiar with Rebeca, so new is different.
After breakfast, we made our way to the arena...
After avoiding one too many requests for a talk, by nobles recruiting for one reason or another, we made it to our seats.
Milly went to sit with Nevin, so it was just me and Rebeca. She looked around our Contestant Seating and said.
"Seems a lot of students who failed did not come to watch after a loss?"
I tease her.
"Oh? Did you really expect Mari Olson to show after pressing her on the stage like that, hehe?"
Rebeca turned red in shame, and defended herself, well tried. She pouted her lower lip and said.
"Well, I felt bad afterwards, but... When I fight, I tend to get aggressive, I become another person altogether. But that girl is a nice girl, so do not be mad at her, okay?"
Just like the maid topic, I play dumb...
"What? I would not be mad over that, I don't even know the woman. Anyway, the match-ups are starting, look..."
Well the battles in the morning were really boring and unfortunate, because we fought our own school, and it was all grade levels, so many fights were devastated by older women with higher Circle levels.
Rebeca actually faced poor Milly, but they just had a normal spar kinda fight, showcasing Milly's strengths before she knowingly forfeited to Rebeca.
Princess Vera beat a 3rd year Mage into a bloody pulp, due to the Mage woman having a bad attitude.
Nevin's morning match went well, but Rando lost to his opponent, and Frank moved on to an afternoon match-up. Chuck, despite losing, came to support his friends.
Freya never needed to come out for my fight, because I was paired with an unfortunate woman, and I did not need her to show up.
I even had to console my poor victim afterwards, sigh...
Looking at the sad looking tall blue-haired woman beside us, I said.
"Kelly, you really are better than you think you are. Hey, look at Rebeca, she is also a Healer, and she can crush a Mage of equal level. You are still new to this, sigh."
Kelly the Ice Healer, said softly.
"Sorry, I really am not as sad as you think... My natural cold nature makes showing joy difficult, but I can feel positive thoughts. Please do not think I am upset with you. Actually, losing to you is an honor, because no one can say I am weak."
Rebeca on the side offers to Kelly.
"Because you will be Sam's Healer on Academy missions, and you are talented, I can train you in my experiences when we go back to school. I am sure you can become as strong as I have at your level."
"Thank you Senior Rebeca, I would love that."
Why did I imagine poor Kelly regretting that choice? I will ignore their future Masochistic training montage in my dirty mind, and possible bondage sparring...
We ate food brought by mobile vendors, and after our lunch, I summoned Freya out for my second fight of the day, because I will probably not face anyone I know, and if it is Rebeca I will fight, well...
Rebeca's second fight was with a lower Circle Summoner, and she cleaned her clock.
Nevin finally got defeated, by the 6th Circle, George Lion, so not a shameful loss.
Frank was also crushed by a stronger Vanguard, but he felt he did well enough.
And lastly, Vera Lucas cleanly stomped on a 2nd year Wind Mage.
So to sum it up, out of all of my acquaintances, only Vera, Rebeca, and probably myself will be in Wednesday's arena battles. And we will have mixed Academy fights from then on.
Freya pointed up at my match-up, and I am annoyed, because I was in the very last batch of fights, sigh...
As Freya and I were about to step into the ring, she said to me seriously.
"This next girl is a 3rd year student, and very strong for her age. Her name is Elissa Von-Crane, 5th Circle, Death Summoner, with a 6th Circle Greater Succubus, and a 5th Circle Vampire."
I frown because that lineup sounds troublesome, because not only can I buff Freya up 1 circle, so can the other girl, damn.
Freya pokes my forehead and giggled, she said.
"You are silly, lookup in the sky?! How can she use her Vampire in the Sun without it dying fast, even [Breath of Life] cannot save it from that death? It would be in so much pain, it cannot fight. So only the Greater Succubus is the problem, because Demons of it's strength have strong Fire Resistance."
"Okay, I got it... I think she intends on letting the Succubus harass me, so let's use this move to defeat her, this is my plan..."
My breath in Freya's ear, made her blush, and then hearing my plan was really surprising that this plan would really work.
Freya, holding my hand with her Rapier in her left, and me with The King's Sword in my right, finally saw our opponent waiting, with her Demon.
When I saw Elissa Von-Crane for the first time, my eyes twitch, and my face could not hide the annoyance...
The reason I am fluctuating so badly is the fact, this woman dresses just like Evil Loli, but is very tall, and equipped with the biggest set of tits I have ever seen on a real woman.
She is the complete opposite of a Loli in every definition, with wide-hips and long legs. Damn, I cannot tell who is more like a Succubi, her or her Summons!
Of course, she does not sport the eye-patch, but she has an elegant umbrella, and her long gray hair is like Evil Loli, but her eyes are also grey in color, I sigh at her looks.
Then, I saw an equally busty and sexy version of her Master, the Succubi Queen, with long crimson hair, bat-wings, a spaded tail, pair of small curved horns, and long sharp nails. In her hand is a blood-soaked whip, made of her own hair.
"Ahhh?! What, it is the best I have ever smelled~♪! I will eat you now, ha~!"
"Della, I command you to stop, we have to wait till the start of the match, or the Knights will kill you."
Just as her Summoned Monster was going to rush to me, Elissa scolded her Demon.
The Greater Succubus, wearing only a thong and single strip of cloth bandage over her nipples, licked her lips at me, and grind seductively.
Hum~! I could tell, this Demon was trying to use some kind of charm technique that was not obvious, like my Earth World Hypnotism, but I shook it off easily.
I pointed at the Demon, and said to the judge.
"This Demon of lust is using mind powers on me before the fight."
The judge, knowing of this Succubus from the past, knows I am telling the truth and warned.
"Contestant Red 3-12, one more time, and you are disqualified, control your Summons."
Elissa, frustrated with her Demon who is acting crazier than normal, said through gritted teeth.
"If you get me disqualified, I will starve you for a week, you bitch!"
The disgusting Succubus had wet liquid running down her inner thigh and it said with a shoulder shrug.
"Just hurry then, I am struggling to hold back, hehe~!"
Soon, the fight started, because Elissa had to focus on keeping her Demon under control, she could not taunt me as she planned.
[All Rings start in 3-2-1-Go~!]
Many spells and actions went off simultaneously...
The Succubus Queen leaped forwards towards me...
Elissa: "Go, eat him... [Buff Summons]"
Me: "Freya, burn them to ashes... [Buff Summons]"
Freya: "The Master of this filth should burn... [Burning Combustion Curse]"
Clan Clang Clang! As our magic went off, the Queen Succubus powered to the power of the 7th Circle, pressed her slashing nails onto me, and I could only block half of them, as her scratches shredded my flesh.
Elissa however was burst into flames with Freya's now 8th Circle burning combustion curse on her, setting her clothing and flesh ablaze.
In Freya's heart, she has no pity for this student, who set her Demon on her Husband, and is fighting for real. Freya ignored my plight, and rushed to where the burning woman was...
The Succubus, who licked the blood on her nails, had her eyes glow red, and she pounced on me again, and continued to assault me, using her Demon Charm to seduce me as well.
Buzz~! I felt for a moment, a slight attraction to this Demon, but soon, I shook it off, as my forearms are gaining more and more nail marks.
(His ability to shake off the Succubus Charm has more to do with his Love connections with the 3 women than anything else, but his high Soul strength also helps.)
Through gritted teeth, Elissa managed to cast a Summoner spell...
"Suffer for your Master... [Share Injuries]"
Suddenly, all of her burning curse damage was covering the Succubus, who oddly only cried in sexual bliss.
"Water and Lightning rage... [Fast Attacks]"
Slash! I cut the Demon's face that was nearing me, but sadly, it is too strong for me to do anything more than scratch her skin, and sadly, this only made her look even more happy...
Freya thought of a way to really wound both bitches, and she held her delicate hand up high, and cast.
"Burning Star... [Giant Fireball]"
Thanks to my Earth Science knowledge, Freya's understanding of energy, materials in general, and outer space concepts, has helped hone her magic forming.
A blazing crimson sphere with a diameter of 60 feet, fell from above Elissa, crashing on her body, and would have killed her out right, if not sharing the damage, but still...
"Ahhhhhh~! Huh?!"
As she was knocked to near death, and passed out, the Burning Curse on her body finished her off...
But, the Succubus cared not that her Master was defeated, and pounced on me again, ignoring the fact, she was also almost dead from the transferred damage to her body.
With dark foul blood oozing from her orifices, she used her whip on me!
Whoosh Crack~! Her long reaching whip was too fast for me to even see, let alone dodge at all, and then I felt it...
"Ack, Dammit~!"
Across my chest, a bloody 1 inch deep gash was left, exposing bone, and my blood started to flow, as the stinging pain was horrid.
"F-Freya, it is up to you... [Swap Positions]"
And in a flash of blue and yellow light, the two of us swapped, while Freya was already casting...
"Trash, die with your Master... [Fire Dragon's Breath]"
Whoosh~! And from Freya's red lips, out came a molten scorching cone of superheated flames...
"Ohhhh~!" "Nooooooo~!"
Even with heavy Fire Resistance, the super heavily wounded Demon was turned to molten slag, but the amazing thing was the fact, the recently resurrected Elissa, still having a damage connection with her Demon, almost died a second time right next to the Time Healler, shocking everyone.
As the Time Healer cast her spells to resurrect the Succubus, and the other Summoner cast [Banish] due to it still being in a frenzy state.
I nearly fainted from blood loss.
Freya used her short range teleport to catch me as I was falling, and she called out.
"Time Healer, heal him now."
"[Full Healing]"
And after I was covered with silver light, my body lost all sense of pain, and only my torn and bloody clothing showed I had been injured.
I smiled at Freya who had wet eyes and said.
"Silly, I was not that bad off."
"I know, but it hurts my heart to see you get hurt, even a scratch hurts me. Let us leave here, I want to hold you alone..."
I really felt embarrassed, because I had been held by Freya in front of everyone, like a woman being held by her man, sigh... I want to die...
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